Stewardship Report
For a land trust the acquisition of new land to preserve and protect is exciting. But once we have acquired the land the hard work of stewardship begins. All boundaries need to be posted with our name and then walked…
For a land trust the acquisition of new land to preserve and protect is exciting. But once we have acquired the land the hard work of stewardship begins. All boundaries need to be posted with our name and then walked…
Some good news! According to this article in the Westerly Sun by Cynthia Drummond, this year's butterfly season has been a "banner year" for monarchs. To learn why the monarch's numbers are up, and other species' may (or may not) be…
Avalonia Land Conservancy will be launching a 5-year capital campaign to finance the acquisition of over 2,000 acres of high conservation-value land in southeastern Connecticut. That process began early this year with two land donations of almost 100 acres (see…
Thanks to a passion for the environment and a longtime friendship between two local families, Avalonia Land Conservancy has received a gift of land in Stonington. The 28-acre gift is a portion of a much bigger forest. Small back roads…
June 2017 Kids are almost out of school and finally the weather has given us a hint of the summer to come. For the wildlife at Sandy Point, the summer season began a while ago. The shorebirds arrived in…
read article at (by Bruce Fellman)
read full article on (by Bruce Fellman)
read article on (by Bruce Fellman)
The Dutka family of Griswold has very generously donated seven waterfront lots on Pachaug Pond to Avalonia Land Conservancy (ALC). In addition, the family has agreed to offer a bargain sale on another 61.5 acre parcel near Pachaug State Forest…
read article with Hartford Courant (article and photos by Peter Marteka)