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Accessible Parking on Avalonia Preserves

By Elanah Sherman   Over the past three years, Avalonia has been incrementally installing accessible parking on preserve parking lots. These spaces look quite different from the accessible spaces we’re used to seeing throughout Connecticut. That’s because those spaces conform…


Our Trail Cam Captures Two Bobkittens

There’s nothing quite as exciting as a glimpse into the secret lives of wildlife. Recently, our trail cam in the Anguilla Brook Northern Headwaters Preserve in North Stonington delivered just that — a heartwarming sight of two bobkittens exploring their…


End-of-Season Work at Tefftweald

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, Tefftweald at Birchenturn Preserve in North Stonington was a bustle of activity, likely more than it had seen in several months.  Avalonia staff and volunteers braved the chill and after an initial rendezvous at the pavilion,…
