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Membership Achieves Lasting Results

Our efforts to meet the critical challenges facing nature today depend solely on the support of our members.

When you join Avalonia, you will be welcomed into a family of dedicated individuals committed to protecting Earth’s most important lands and waters. Membership contributions not only help to cover our operating costs, but they also demonstrate a broad base of support from our constituents, which enables us to approach foundations for funding major land-conservation projects.

JOIN OR RENEW by March 31 for 2025!

Sustaining Membership Levels

Life $1,000

Patron $500

Supporter $250

Family $100

Individual $25


Become a Sustaining Member or Renew or print and mail

Business Membership Levels

Business Visionary $5,000

Business Champion $2,500

Business Defender $1,000

Business Guardian $500

Business Steward $250


Become a Business Member
