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Our Volunteer Holiday Greeting

“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” – Winston Churchill Dear Avalonia Volunteers, If you have followed our newsletters and various other communications, you know that we regularly recognize volunteer contributions…


Shop Mystic … Support Avalonia

Shop at the stores listed below, all Avalonia business members, the weekend of December 20 - 22, 2019 and, by just mentioning Avalonia at the check out, 10% of your purchase will be donated to Avalonia. Make these dates and…


Volunteers in Focus: Maggie DeFosse

Avalonia has its first volunteer student intern! Maggie DeFosse from Stonington will complete her graduation requirements from Colorado State University by working with us for several months this fall and winter. At Colorado State, Maggie majored in Human Dimensions of…


Consider a Gift to Avalonia this Year

donate now General Appeal 2019 Let’s face it, climate change is happening now. We all have been reading the same headlines over the past few months: The Amazon—the “lungs of the Earth”— is burning. Scientists have been underestimating the pace…


Save the
Bond Property