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Limited Time! Avalonia Hats for Sale

Looking for an opportunity to represent your favorite land conservancy? Here’s your chance! Avalonia will be selling hats for a limited time only, so place your order by October 28th. This year, we have two selections. In addition to our…


Pfizer Retiree Match Program Ending

If you’re a Pfizer retiree, the company’s 50% matching gift program will be ending on December 31, 2020. Consider a gift (including volunteer time) to the Avalonia Land Conservancy before then so, as a Pfizer retiree, we can all benefit…


Volunteer Hours Logging

Record your volunteer hours on one new form. Volunteers log about 2,500 hours for Avalonia every year. While that’s a big number, it represents just a fraction of the actual hours donated. Unfortunately, most of us don’t record our time…
