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Pfizer Retiree Match Program Ending

If you’re a Pfizer retiree, the company’s 50% matching gift program will be ending on December 31, 2020. Consider a gift (including volunteer time) to the Avalonia Land Conservancy before then so, as a Pfizer retiree, we can all benefit…


Volunteer Hours Logging

Record your volunteer hours on one new form. Volunteers log about 2,500 hours for Avalonia every year. While that’s a big number, it represents just a fraction of the actual hours donated. Unfortunately, most of us don’t record our time…


Purple Martins and Cub Scouts

above photo by Sandy Alexander On Sunday, July 12, Avalonia Town Committee chairperson Beth Sullivan had absolute joy of introducing a new generation of cub Scouts to the newest generation of Purple Martins at the Knox Preserve. She arranged for…
