Volunteering: Sign up and Log Your Hours
Have you checked our website recently to see what new positions are available? We post new ones as they are needed. With the variety, you can sign up for specific jobs or work on committees and teams. Are you involved with trail maintenance? Why not try boundary walking to ensure there is no encroachment or boundary marking to check and add signage? Want to be more involved with your own town? Maybe attend a town committee meeting to see what town-specific work needs to be done.
And, please use this same link to log your volunteer hours. Why is this important? Many of our grants require matching funds and most foundations allow us to match the dollars with volunteer time. In 2019, the I.R.S. determined the value of a volunteer’s time is $25.43. Last year Avalonia volunteers logged about 10,000 hours. That’s more than $250,000! That’s the good news. We estimate that only half our volunteer time is logged, so we are leaving another $250,000 on the table! Committee chairs and stewardship volunteers, don’t forget log your time!