Sandy Point Beach Passes 2023
The summer season traditionally begins with Memorial Day weekend. Wildlife, however, has been settled in for a while now, making nests and laying eggs on the sandy shores and beaches.
Sandy Point Island is home to American Oystercatchers, Piping Plovers, and recently, Least Terns have been seen scouting the area. All of these species are threatened or endangered and are protected by law. The island is also home to gulls, geese, and ducks.
Avalonia Land Conservancy and US Fish and Wildlife Service co-manage the island to protect the wildlife and habitats and maintain accessibility for people who love the island. Volunteer monitors will visit the island, help with passes and offer educational insights into our work out there. USFWS biologists and staff will also be out on the island to check on birds, count nests, and offer as much physical protection as possible. They are always willing to answer questions about their work and the creatures we are trying to protect.
Visitors must purchase a 2023 beach pass which may be obtained here: https://rhodeislandpermits.recaccess.com
While people are welcome, pets are not. No pets are allowed on the island. They are perceived as predators, are often responsible for nest destruction, and are a major disturbance to the birds as they feed. Please enjoy the island but leave your pups at home.
Please read the visitation guidelines and support our wonderful wildlife. Have a wonderful summer.