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photo courtesy of Beth Sullivan

Town: Stonington
Year Preserved:
Acres: 35
Lat.: 41°19’46.2″
Long.: 71°53’31.4″

2023 Season Passes

Permits are required during the summer season for usage. 2023 Season Passes for Sandy Point are available now, online only, through the USFWS (US Fish and Wildlife Service) at the following website:

The COMO will no longer be doing the paperwork. For questions, you can contact the management team at [email protected]


USFWS working to protect wildlife and educate visitors.

Read News Release

Sandy Point Island is a beautiful 35 acre barrier island in Little Narragansett Bay, about 1.5 miles in length. Only the western tip is in CT and the remainder is Rhode Island. Access is by water only and it is surrounded by shifting sand bars. It is managed as a wildlife refuge and since 2015  is actively monitored by USFWS as part of the National Refuge System.

It is a major spawning ground for Horseshoe crabs and it hosts nesting American Oystercatchers, Piping Plovers and Least Terns, all protected species. Areas are roped off and closed  to the public during nesting season. It is a significant migratory bird habitat as well. No dogs are allowed on the island. 

Earth Map
