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Volunteer work party at our model climate resilient forest, the Hoffman Preserve, in Stonington

November 19, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Removing competing vegetation from patch cut

In 2018 Avalonia initiated a climate resiliency forestry plan at this preserve, including the planting of many tree species projected to do well in the face of ongoing climate change. While most of these have succeeded in becoming established, we do need to help them out by cutting back surrounding vegetation, including grey birch suckers and saplings.

Please consider joining us on Sunday, November 19th from 9-12 at the Hoffman Preserve.  If you haven’t volunteered with us before, this is a perfect entry point into Avalonia conservation and stewardship efforts. You’ll have an opportunity to do a bit of hiking, learn more about on-the-ground climate resiliency work, and help us to give our planted seedlings/saplings every advantage!

Parking will be at the southernmost entrance off of Route 201, the usual place for those of you who have joined us before.  Sturdy footwear, gloves, and drinking water are recommended. Feel free to bring your favorite pair of loppers, but extra tools will be available for your use.  If you have experience and the necessary PPE, brush saws and small chainsaws are also particularly effective tools for this sort of work.

Work at your own pace and stay for as long as your time and energy allow. It looks, for now, like it will be perfect weather for this sort of work.  There is no rain date scheduled.





November 19, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Hoffman Evergreen Preserve
580-632 CT-201
Stonington, CT 06378 United States
+ Google Map

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