Avalonia Trail Finder Review: Pequotsepos Brook Preserve
There are many parking options and a variety of trails to choose from Avalonia and the Denison Society. I hiked about three miles of the trails but there were many more. For the Avalonia trail, there were well marked purple and yellow trail heads, beautiful views of brooks and wetlands, with occasional meadows. There was a lovely bench to sit and eat a snack while soaking in the wetlands. Occasionally there were boards to walk over flood areas, stairs, and otherwise comprised of packed earth.
The trails ranged from two to three feet wide to wide open. It was relatively flat with less than 100ft elevation gain, easy to hike, pet friendly for dogs on a leash, and located in Stonington. This location proved to be fantastic for bird watching as I saw no less than a dozen types of birds, but this trip was mostly Blue Jays. Natural features included occasional wild flowers and stone walls. Trails can be confusing due to multiple intersections, however, there were a decent amount of trail signs and indicators. I saw multiple hikers, which was not a surprise given the close proximity to local attractions.