Avalonia Membership & Renewals

As a valued member, we know that you care about the planet as much as we do.

Your support kept us going this year, allowing us to continue conserving land while also providing beautiful open spaces that were visited by thousands of visitors this year. Would you renew your membership with Avalonia today? We cannot do this without member support.

Climate change is happening faster than we thought. We can see this right here at home with milder winters, warmer summers, higher sea levels and habitat loss. Your support will enable us to acquire and protect high-conservation lands, now totaling more than 4,400 acres. One acre of our forest land sequesters 106 metric tons of carbon every year. Our wetlands provide habitat for an incredible number of species. Our trails are busier than ever, giving our neighbors a place to take a break in tough times. But none of this would be possible without our valued members. Your continued support will make a difference to Avalonia and your community.

We are taking this moment to ask for your membership. Any level of support is appreciated, but would you consider joining at the Family level? Our operations are totally funded by dues and donations. As we grow, so do those costs, so every dollar counts.


We appreciate our neighbor’s support. Thank you.

Thank you.

Terri Eickel
Director of Development and Programs