Avalonia Land Conservancy Receives Griswold Land Donation
The Dutka family of Griswold has very generously donated seven waterfront lots on Pachaug Pond to Avalonia Land Conservancy (ALC). In addition, the family has agreed to offer a bargain sale on another 61.5 acre parcel near Pachaug State Forest to the conservancy. In addition to the seven lots, Mary Dutka has donated another two parcels to Avalonia. The total transaction of 68 acres is one of the most environmentally significant woodland properties remaining on Pachaug Pond with pine forests, wetlands and native shrubs full of wildlife. Pachaug Pond is the largest public lake east of the Connecticut River and its shoreline is becoming increasingly developed. It is known for excellent fishing including largemouth, smallmouth and calico bass, yellow perch and northern pike.
In addition to passive recreation, the site will eventually provide a public launching point for kayaks and canoes. Paddlers can visit Avalonia’s Scola Preserve on Barton Island, less than 1,000 feet away and only accessible by water. The acquisition of the Dutka property will add to existing Avalonia and State of Connecticut preserved properties on the pond, while providing community value in the form of public access for recreation and stewardship of areas of refuge for wildlife. The Avalonia Land Conservancy is very grateful to the Dutka family for making this acquisition possible.
Photo: View of Pachaug Pond from Dutka waterfront property. Avalonia Land Conservancy and the Dutka family have completed an agreement to perpetually preserve 68 acres for wildlife and water access to Pachaug Pond.