Winter Flooding and Avalonia’s Watershed Protection Efforts
The extreme flooding events of last December and earlier this January have put Avalonia’s watershed protection efforts in stark relief. Now, more than ever, preserving and restoring habitat, protecting riparian buffers and natural water flow, and properly siting and stewarding river access, stand as critical aspects of Avalonia’s work. With preserves nestled in more than twenty-two drainage basins and watersheds in southeastern Connecticut, fulfilling our stewardship responsibilities requires collaboration with multiple stakeholders. Over the last year Avalonia has, together with partners, continued to be engaged in a number of local watershed protection and education initiatives, to include meetings, planning conventions, listening sessions, implementation projects, and project proposals with Thames River Basin Partnership (TRBP), Alliance for the Mystic River Watershed (AMRW), CT Greenways, Wequetequock Cove Clean Water Coalition (WCCWC), and Wood Pawcatuck Watershed Association (WPWA) to name a few.