Stonington High School Students Pitch in at Copps Brook Preserve
Story and photos by Gail Kahover
A group of Stonington High School students spent a sunny morning last Friday helping clean out winter’s debris at Avalonia’s Copp’s Brook Preserve. The 18 students and two teachers removed invasive plants at the Stonington property, bagged garlic mustard, cleared the stone walls, and raked berms to prepare the area for planting clover. The students also fixed loose boards around the fence line and picked up debris around the paddock trail so the area could be mowed.
The students’ efforts were part of a larger volunteer effort by the school throughout the community. Every Stonington High School student must participate in 10 hours of community service each year.
Freshman AJ Teixeira said a lot of students his age spend too much time indoors, so it was good to be out in the fresh air and help Avalonia.
“I think it’s very important, especially considering a lot of us are on our phones and decide not to go outdoors now,” he said. “I love being outdoors. We are stuck in school all day and this is really a good opportunity for us to get outside and be with nature and help out with this land trust.”
AJ Massengale, an SHS teacher and coach, agreed. “It’s good to take a break from all that and get out into the places that we’re supposed to spend more time in,” he said.
Massengale said the volunteer effort is also a good way to introduce teens to Avalonia properties.
Avalonia took ownership of the Copps Brook Preserve nearly two years ago. It was part of a larger block of protected area that was mostly untouched forest land and wetlands. The property is located just north of 115 Al Harvey Road.