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The 2022 Avalonia Photo Contest

2022 Was All About Water

One of our initiatives last year was to increase awareness of our region’s most valuable resource — water. Water is amazing. It takes on many forms: a vernal pool to a raging sea; an icicle to a foggy mist; clean drinking water to flooded streets. Avalonia’s preserves act as filters and buffers as flooding occurs during storms and sea levels rise. That’s why it’s never been more important to protect the land that you love. And that’s what we do!

We received many great submissions in The 2022 Water Water Everywhere Photo Contest, thank you! We recognized three winners and an Honorable Mention in each of three categories:

Best “Good Water” Photo

Streams, ponds, wetlands, reservoirs, protective shoreline, waterfalls, vernal pools, estuaries, frogs, waterfowl, amphibians. The prettiest picture you ever took.

Best “Bad Water” Photo

Community flooding, crushing waves, damaged homes, breached storm walls, pollution, rising tides, eco damage, flooded rivers, drought! We’ve captured it all on our phones!

Best “Avalonia Water” Photo

Any brook, stream, river, pond, or body of water on an Avalonia property that buffers our shoreline, filters our water, and/or protects our wildlife. Take a hike and discover Avalonia!



What You Could Win

You could win an Avalonia gift basket with a t-shirt, cap, and a gift certificate worth as much as $100. One lucky winner’s photo will land the cover of the Fall 2022 Avalonia Trails newsletter!


By submitting a photo, you agree that you own the rights to the image. You also agree to allow Avalonia image usage rights for the purpose of marketing and promoting Avalonia and its preserves in print and digital materials. Credit will be given.
