New Trailhead Kiosks Greet Avalonia Visitors
Over two years ago, a committee was tasked to create an information center or a “kiosk” that welcomed visitors, providing information about how the preserve was created, who made it possible, and guidelines for visitor conduct during their time on the trail. The kiosk also includes Avalonia’s story, a trail map, and QR codes with links to join our mailing list and make a donation. The committee understood that few visitors really knew who Avalonia was or how to support an organization that provides miles of trails and thousands of acres of protected land. Telling that story was important.

The first three kiosks have been built creating a slatwall base using knotty cedar. Printed PVC sign inserts are secured with tamperproof screws and feature universal icons making them easy to understand. One kiosk is being placed on each of our Leo Antonino, Herman E. Sheets, and Tri-town Ridgeline Forest Preserves, thanks to town volunteers and our stewardship Director, Toby Glaza who assembled the structure, dug the 3’+ deep holes and put the kiosk into place. Special thanks go to our sign committee and the design team of Sandy Alexander and Jonna Chokas, who spent hours making sure everything was accurate and consistent with the Avalonia “brand.”
Kiosks now provide one place for all a preserve’s information. Three more kiosks are planned for 2024, so watch for them at your favorite trailhead. We think we look pretty good, so let us know what you think!