Hike & Seek: Bringing Nature Closer During This Time of Social Distancing
It is children’s nature to move, to explore, and have fun. It is how they learn about themselves and the world around them. Being outdoors is vitally important to a child’s physical and cognitive growth and mental health. In this period of school closures, anxiety, and uncertainty, we want to support all families by reminding them that being out in nature can be one of the most positive things a parent can do now.
As part of our community outreach program, Avalonia Land Conservancy created a free activity, Hike & Seek, to inspire children, their families, and teachers to use our easily accessible trails, to explore the wonders of the natural world. Hike & Seek is a treasure hunt, aided by a smart phone or iPad that provides participants with clues and targets that make going on a hike an engaging and interactive learning experience. This can be a springboard for further research, writing, journaling, or drawing. Parents can use the photos they take to discuss habitats, wildlife, and geology.
We invite your family to use Avalonia’s trails and the Avalonia Hike & Seek program to enrich their explorations and help get Nature back into our children’s lives and get some calm and normalcy into all our lives. (Please follow CDC recommendations when doing so.)
Every student in our school system lives within a 15-minute drive of an Avalonia property. Hike & Seek is offered on 27 of them in southeastern Connecticut and the program is growing. The trails will remain open dawn to dusk. The program is free to use. Hike & Seek information is available in all the area libraries, town halls, and local information racks.
Please post your photos and findings to Instagram with #MyAvalonia. You can also send them to our communications team via email to avaloniaphotos@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!
We ask that you avoid making group hikes. Keep your social distance, but you can get close up and enjoy everything that can be found along the trails. Nature is a great healer. It may take time, but we are heading into a beautiful time of year.
Click a property below and discover Hike & Seek clues.