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Girl Scout Tour At Avalonia's Bond Preserve In Montville

A Tour of the Bond Property

On Saturday, March 15, a team from Avalonia, Girl Scout Troup 63034, Rep. Nick Gauthier from the 38th District, and others, gathered at the Bond Property. It was a great day, and Montville Girl Scout Troop 63034 Leader, Liz Preiss,…


Our Trail Cam Captures Two Bobkittens

There’s nothing quite as exciting as a glimpse into the secret lives of wildlife. Recently, our trail cam in the Anguilla Brook Northern Headwaters Preserve in North Stonington delivered just that — a heartwarming sight of two bobkittens exploring their…


5 Things People Love About Avalonia’s Trails

There’s Something for Everyone Woods, wetlands, meadows, or beach; Flat, steep, or in-between; Avalonia’s trails are so diverse, you’re sure to find something that fits your mood and skill level. Check out our new Trailfinder feature to find just the…


Yannatos Preserve Temporarily Closed

The Yannatos Preserve off Clark Falls Road in North Stonington will be closed from Wednesday 5/22 to Sunday 5/26 for improvements to the parking area.  For your safety and the safety of those working at the preserve, please schedule any…


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Bond Property