(Adopted by the Board of Directors on June 22, 2016)
Avalonia Land Conservancy’s vision for now and the future is to:
- be the primary regional and leading best-practice land trust in southeastern Connecticut, protecting and conserving natural resources including threatened and declining habitats.
- work collaboratively with other land trusts, preservation groups, political entities, not for profits, etc., in the southeastern Connecticut area to conserve key habitats.
- create a strategic conservation plan with fully-integrated mapping to allow proactive identification of priority acquisition parcels and partnering opportunities.
- grow our Town and Standing Committees to become more robust, fully staffed, and functioning committees to meet stewardship, acquisition, and other organizational requirements.
- complete and maintain Land Trust Alliance accreditation with a Board of Directors fully versed in LTA practices and standards.
- steward fee properties in accordance with individual management plans and develop public recreational and educational opportunities where appropriate, including compliant universal-access trails where feasible.
- monitor all conservation easement properties as required by law and best practices.
- maintain and/or return arable lands to productive farming where appropriate through innovative partnering.
- strengthen financial support of conserved lands while controlling costs and maintaining transparency.