Avalonia Land Conservancy, founded in 1968, is a land trust dedicated to conservation through the acquisition of open space. It is a non-profit, non-political, tax-exempt organization. We believe that the conservation of natural resources for the benefit of people and wildlife is essential and will ensure healthy and livable communities for generations to come.
Avalonia now conserves more than 5,000 acres of land, preserved in perpetuity. Where appropriate, trails are maintained for passive enjoyment including hiking, birdwatching, nature study, and photography. We ask that you take only pictures and leave only footprints. Educational activities and scientific studies are encouraged on Avalonia preserves.
We depend almost entirely on volunteers and contributions to maintain our preserves and to fund our operations. Avalonia’s volunteers and members are your neighbors, working tirelessly and giving generously to conserve our local natural resources for the common good.
Our Mission
We preserve natural habitats in southeastern Connecticut by acquiring and protecting lands and communicating the value of these irreplaceable resources.
Meet Our Team
View Our Trust Standards & Practices
View Our Vision Statement
View Our Strategic Plan
View Our Accessibility Statement
View Our Bylaws